Turning Point Parade & Festival - Get Involved

The Turning Point Parade family is growing every year! And we offer many ways for students, families, community leaders, professionals, corporations, non-profits, and more to join in!

Turning Point Parade - Revolutionary Sponsor

red-star2Fort Miller Group (fmgroup.com)

red-star2Town of Saratoga (townofsaratoga.com)

red-star2Village of Schuylerville (villageofschuylerville.org)


red-star2Drumm’s Turf and Sawmill 

red-star2Alpine Construction (facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Construction-LLC)

red-star2Byron’s Village Market / Cambridge Village Market (byronsvillagemarket.com)

red-star2United Ag & Turf


red-star2American Legion Old Saratoga Post #278 Auxiliary & Sons  (saratogalegion.org/post278)

red-star2Top Notch Builders NY

red-star2The Way – Schuylerville

red-star2Saratoga: The Turning Point Film Project

red-star2Hollingsworth & Vose 

red-star2Town of Northumberland

Silver Sponsor

red-star2Adirondack Trust Co. / Adirondack Trust Insurance (adirondacktrust.com)

red-star2Stewarts Shops

red-star2Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company

red-star2Merryman Family Dentistry

red-star2Second Hand Rose Thrift Shop

red-star2Hearthstone Veterinary Hospital (hearthstoneveterinaryhospital.com)

red-star2King Brothers Dairy (kingbros.deliverybizpro.com)

red-star2Saint Francis Veterinary Hospital (saintfrancisvet.com)

red-star2Saratoga Sod Farm (saratogasod.com)

red-star2Schuylerville Lions Club

red-star2Thomas Poultry Farm (https://business.facebook.com/Thomas-Poultry-Farm-167776516567221/)

red-star2Bound By Fate Brewery (https://www.boundbyfatebrewing.com/)

Patron Membership

red-star2Decrescente Dist

red-star2Sunflower Graphix

red-star2In Memory of Don LaPlace


red-star2Slayton Digital, LLC (https://SlaytonDigital.com)

red-star2Wilton EMS

red-star2Missy Mae’s Photography

red-star2Greenwich Journal & Salem Press


Revolutionary Level: $5000+

Platinum Level: $1000 – $4,999

Gold Level: $550 – $999 

Silver Level: $350 – $549 

Checks made out to the TURNING POINT PARADE can be sent to: Amanda Brill, Treasurer, P.O. Box 8, Victory Mills, NY 12884

*For more information: please call Paul Chojnacki, Parade Chairman (518) 223-3455, or email: turningpointschuylerville@gmail.com.


Chairman: Paul Chojnacki 

Treasurer: Amanda Brill

Festival Coordinator: Brianne Mulligan

Beth Woodard

Rosemary Roberts

Maxine Lautenberg

Dan Carpenter

Carol Rion

Aimee Priest

Debbie Casey

Annie Dwyer

Roxanne Fonda

Whitney & Leona Colvin

Julie White